
"I suffered from suicidal ideations and intrusions following a sexual assault. After five sessions of EMDR the suicidal thoughts and flashbacks stopped completely. I now feel great. Thank you so much for your precious help".

- Luca P.

"The EMDR therapy was a real game changer. I was struck with PTSD symptoms for over 6 years. The therapy has changed my life completely. I couldn't be more grateful".

- Anna O.

"I commenced therapy following my husband's death. My therapist has supported me through the grieving process: she offered me a non-judgmental and safe space. I was touched by her kindness. I felt cared for and held in mind when I most needed it".

- Lauren T.

"I approached my therapist during the separation from my partner. She supported me in the transition of being a single parent and adjusting to the new family dynamics. Consequently, my children also benefited from the therapy. I couldn't recommend her enough".

- Amalia S.

"I was diagnosed with OCD many years ago which deteriorated drastically during COVID-19. I engaged in a course of individual CBT and my therapist helped me to make sense of the symptoms I was experiencing. During the therapy I've learnt helpful skills to challenge the intrusions and to break the OCD cycle. Ever since I made sense of the intrusions/compulsions and learnt CBT skills, the symptoms have drastically decreased".

- Mary C.

"I suffered from work related anxiety and panic attacks. my therapist helped me to build up distress tolerance skills and taught me helpful CBT strategies to deal with the anxiety. I noted a positive shift: the anxiety decreased and I feel way more self-confident; I am in a better place, thank you".

- Karen T.

"I relied on professional help due to emetophobia which prevented me from using public transport (following an incident of vomiting on the train). With four sessions of EMDR the fear of vomiting completely eased. I now rely on trains on a daily basis. I am grateful".

- Paola D.

"I am grateful for the techniques I have learnt in the CBT group therapy. I will treasure them forever".

- Dario C.

"I have had individual EMDR therapy following an incident of rape. The therapy really helped me to get over it and to get control over my life again. I feel so empowered now".

-Karolina V.

"I have had anger management therapy and I am doing the best I have done for a long time getting things sorted out and keeping a cool head on things which means I only respond to situations rather than react. My therapist has really helped me to turn into a better version of myself".

-Pete T.

"I no longer feel constantly anxious and, when I do feel pangs of anxiety, I have lots of tools and tactics to help me deal with it. In our sessions, we have dealt with loads of issues that I did not know I was still carrying with me, so I am very grateful to you for your help with that".

-Clara M.

"The CBT skills you have taught us helped me to improve my mood and sleep. I gained a different mindset and I am now able to put things into perspective. I feel more relaxed and I no longer obsess over things I am unable to control".

-Isobel T.